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By: w1ldc4rd-w1z4rd

Mastering Interpolation with qq

The Essence of qq

qq is Raku’s powerful string interpolation construct:

my $animal = "fox";
say qq[The quick brown $animal jumps over the lazy dog];

Flexible Delimiters

qq allows various delimiter symbols:

say qq(Parentheses);
say qq[Square Brackets];
say qq{Curly Braces};
say qq<Angle Brackets>;
say qq!Exclamation Marks!;
say qq/Slashes/;

Comprehensive Escape Sequence Table

Here’s a detailed table of escape sequences in qq, including their hex values:

| Sequence | Hex Value | Character      |
| \0       | \x0000    | Null           |
| \a       | \x0007    | Alert (Bell)   |
| \b       | \x0008    | Backspace      |
| \e       | \x001B    | Escape         |
| \f       | \x000C    | Form Feed      |
| \n       | \x000A    | Newline        |
| \r       | \x000D    | Carriage Return|
| \t       | \x0009    | Tab            |

Practical Usage of Escapes

say qq:to/END/;
    Null: \0 (hex: \x0000)
    Bell: \a (hex: \x0007)
    Backspace: \b (hex: \x0008)
    Escape: \e (hex: \x001B)
    Form feed: \f (hex: \x000C)
    Newline: \n (hex: \x000A)
    Carriage return: \r (hex: \x000D)
    Tab: \t (hex: \x0009)

Additional Important Escapes

say qq[
    Backslash: \\
    Dollar sign: \$
    Double quote: \"
    Unicode by codepoint: \x[1F600]
    Unicode by name: \c[SMILING FACE]

Combining Interpolation and Escapes

my $name = "Alice";
my @hobbies = <coding hiking>;

say qq:to/END/;
    Profile for $name:
    Hobbies: @hobbies[]
    Favorite number: { (1..100).pick }
    Escaped dollar: \$100
    Special chars: \t\n\a
    Unicode: \x[1F680] (hex: 1F680)

Key Takeaways

  1. qq offers flexible delimiters for string creation
  2. It supports a wide range of escape sequences, each with a specific hex value
  3. Escapes allow for precise control over special characters and formatting
  4. Combine escapes with interpolation for powerful string manipulation

Remember, mastering these escapes gives you fine-grained control over your strings in Raku. Whether you’re dealing with special characters, formatting, or Unicode, qq and its escape sequences have got you covered!

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